          回覆:神的預知 # 6338 Why "司法" can have right overcome "行政" "立法"?Bec 住商房屋ause "司法" does not come out to bother anyone, if they don't have anyone go to ask them to be bothered. That how th 591e only thing USA "司法" needs to make sure is : not to bother any powerless forceless private citizen without fully investigate the accuser 情趣用品's power of honesty, moral value, good better best will first, because powerless forceless private citizen must have the absolute civil right, must be innoc seoent until proved guilty, you don't have unshakable evidence to prove that powerless forceless private citizen guilty first, you have no right to bother that powerless forcele 房屋二胎ss private citizen; the reason that "Steven M. Kovacs (Character) from The Cable Guy (1996)" was arrested by police in his office showed in that film, because he's a slave of that office master (Mast 部落格er [That how every Master of White House must be killed after he left White House behind.] in USA is a crime of slave, his master can be spared by the court, because no anyone free enough dare go to the Court to have hi 部落格mself or herself to be investigated first.) , therefore, he lost his civil right at that moment, had he's staying inside his own home all the time, that police must have no right to bother him in any way. "行政" "立法" bodies and those bo 部落格dies workers are not private citizen like that "Steven M. Kovacs (Character) from The Cable Guy (1996)" must be, therefore, they must be jailed, frozen out, dismissed, killed (That how some or all those "行政" "立法" bodies workers must be killed if the Court fo 烤肉食材und anyone of them committed Master related crime of slavery. ) as they supposed to die for the people, for the country, for the supposed duty honor.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 借貸  .

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